What things mean in Who’s On First documents.
Explore the WOF properties below.
The design model for the Flickr API was: What is the one thing you should always be able to do with any photo-related API response?
For Flickr the answer was the “standard photo response” or: You should always be able to load/build the URL for a photo with a link back to its page on Flickr’s website.
In Mapzen’s case the answer to a similar-minded question might be: You should always be able to view API responses on a map.
For example it should be possible to take anything that comes back from Pelias (or any other API) and simply hand it off to Leaflet as a GeoJSON layer and see something on a map.
With that in mind a “minimal viable properties” dictionary might look like this:
"wof:id": 85922583,
"wof:name": "San Francisco",
"wof:fullname": "San Francisco, California US",
"wof:placetype": "locality",
"wof:parent_id": 85688637,
"wof:quality": 9,
"wof:score": 100
A couple things to note about this example: