Where things come from in Who's On First.
Click here to see a full list of Who's On First sources.
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command.While a source .json file in the whosonfirst-sources
repository does not require all properties listed below, the more information we are able to gather about a source, the better. When adding a new source, please provide as much current, available information about that specific source as possible.
A unique numeric integer identifier, typically derived from Brooklyn Integers (integer, required property).
The full name of the source (string, required property).
The user-derived, abbrviated name of a given source (string, required property).
The user-derived, prefix a given source. This value is typically two to ten characters in length (string, required property).
A list of data properties used from the source. Optional and typically left empty (string, optional property).
An http link to the source, preferably the homepage (string, optional property).
A link to the license or terms of service page, if available, for the source (string, optional property).
The license or equivalent license type for the source's data (string, optional property).
A one to two sentence description of what the license allows (string, optional property).
: A list of sources used by a source. A list of key/value pairs that includes the source context, source name, link to the source website, and a note about the source (list, optional property). See the template file for an example.
Represents whether or not this source is used for concordance values (integer, required property). 1
value indicates use, 0
value indicates no use, -1
value indicates unsure of use.
Represents whether or not this source is used for property values (integer, required property). 1
value indicates use, 0
value indicates no use, -1
value indicates unsure of use.
Represents whether or not this source is used for geometries (integer, required property). 1
value indicates use, 0
value indicates no use, -1
value indicates unsure of use.
A one to two sentence description of the source (string, optional property).
Represents whether of not a source is currently in use (integer, optional property). 0
signifies "not current".
Represents a source associated with works at Mapzen (integer, optional property). 1
signifies "Mapzen associated".
Indicates the date when a source was determined to be invalid, was never a "going concern" (string, optional property). Format: YYYY-MM-DD (though these dates can be encoded with any valid EDTF syntax).
Indicates the date when a source was added to Who's On First. (string, required property). Format: YYYY-MM-DD (though these dates can be encoded with any valid EDTF syntax).