Key terms

Key Terms
  • Significant Event Defined here.
  • Concordance Identifying equivalence between features in two dataset, useful for data joins.
  • Deprecating Keeping a Who's on First record's attributes and geometry intact, but removing it from search results and other Mapzen services.
  • Supersedes, Superseded_by Linking record A to record B and vice versa, usually after deprecating one record.
  • Record A single file (.geojson or .shp) in the Who's On First repository.
  • Geometry The shape of a Who's on First record.
  • Attribute Table A table of cells in QGIS that are joined or related to geographic data.
  • Metafiles Files generated programtically that are meant to be updated as the underlying Who's On First (WOF) is updated and used to perform targeted lookups against the entire WOF dataset. A large list of all the neighbourhoods in the world.
  • Point in Polygon (PIP) A system that asks whether a given point in the plane lies inside, outside, or on the boundary of a polygon.
  • Hierarchy A top-down list of placetypes.
  • Who's on First (WOF) A gazetteer of places.
  • Zetashapes A source of machine-generated US neighbourhood polygons derived from geotags on flickr photos:
  • Quattroshapes A global polygon gazetteer: Similar to Zetashapes, but more pixelated.
  • Open License A license that that allows for free distribution of data, usually called a CC-BY license
  • Brooklyn Integer An independently owned and operated integer-as-a-service provider. Creates a unique 8-digit or 9-digit integer that we use as unique identifier (ID) for records.
  • Utils and Scripts Open source tools developed by Mapzen to gather data from the Who's on First project and save locally.
  • Repositories (repos) A digital directory or storage space where you can access your project, its files, and all the versions of its files that Git saves.
  • Cloning GitHub speak for copying a repository to your local machine. Allows a user to work remotely.
  • QGIS An free and open source Geographic Information System. Download Link.