ConcordanceIdentifying equivalence between features in two dataset, useful for data joins.
DeprecatingKeeping a Who's on First record's attributes and geometry intact, but removing it from search results and other Mapzen services.
Supersedes, Superseded_byLinking record A to record B and vice versa, usually after deprecating one record.
RecordA single file (.geojson or .shp) in the Who's On First repository.
GeometryThe shape of a Who's on First record.
Attribute TableA table of cells in QGIS that are joined or related to geographic data.
MetafilesFiles generated programtically that are meant to be updated as the underlying Who's On First (WOF) is updated and used to perform targeted lookups against the entire WOF dataset. A large list of all the neighbourhoods in the world.
Point in Polygon (PIP)A system that asks whether a given point in the plane lies inside, outside, or on the boundary of a polygon.
ZetashapesA source of machine-generated US neighbourhood polygons derived from geotags on flickr photos:
QuattroshapesA global polygon gazetteer: Similar to Zetashapes, but more pixelated.
Open LicenseA license that that allows for free distribution of data, usually called a CC-BY license
Brooklyn IntegerAn independently owned and operated integer-as-a-service provider. Creates a unique 8-digit or 9-digit integer that we use as unique identifier (ID) for records.
Utils and ScriptsOpen source tools developed by Mapzen to gather data from the Who's on First project and save locally.
Repositories (repos)A digital directory or storage space where you can access your project, its files, and all the versions of its files that Git saves.
CloningGitHub speak for copying a repository to your local machine. Allows a user to work remotely.
QGISAn free and open source Geographic Information System. Download Link.