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  • #The Issue A multi-part issue was apparent in the WOF record for the Seattle neighbourhood of Capitol Hill. Most notably, three separate records appeared in our WOF dataset - id:85807733, id:85882415, and id:85809401 - each with a geometry for a portion of the true Capitol Hill neighbourhood geometry. A workflow was necessary to not only merge these three separate geometries into a single, new record for Capitol Hill, but to also deprecate records deemed incorrect and attach and/or modify values to appropriate records.

    #Workflow ##Which Record Should Contain Capitol Hill Data? Each WOF record has a GN:Name field associated to the GeoNames service; after reviewing the three current geojson records' GN:Name field, the id:85882415 record was used as the combined Capitol Hill record because it had the correct GN:Name identifier for the Capitol Hill neighbourhood.

    HOWEVER, this geometry edit is deemed a 'Significant Event', so the the id:85882415 record was copied into a completely new record, id:772967579. Brooklyn Integers was used to created a unique repository number to house the new record of id:772967579.

    ##Merging Geometries Once each .geojson file is downloaded from the WOF repository, they were added into a new QGIS document. Each of the three geometries were added to a single .geojson file. The Dissolve tool was then used to merge all geometries. The Dissolve tool exports this new geometry to a shapefile, so, using ogr2ogr or built-in QGIS functionality (Save As > .geojson), the shapefile is converted back into a .geojson file (three .geojson files > one .shp > one .geojson). Basic bash script below:

    ogr2ogr -f GeoJSON -t_srs crs:84 newfilename.geojson existingfilename.shp 

    This new .geojson file contained the geometry needed for the updated Capitol Hill record (id:772967579).

    Note: The Exportify tool should take care of .geojson formatting, as the ogr2ogr workflow creates blank spaces in the geometry record. The new geometry was pasted into id:772967579 and processed through the Exportify tool to remove the blank spaces. See below:

    screen shot 2016-05-04 at 10 26 49 am

    ##Deprecating, Superseding, and Parenting Since the id:772967579 record absorbed geometries of id:85807733, id:85882415, and id:85809401, edits were made to all records to reflect new values. The following edits were made:


    • "edtf:deprecated": "YYYY-MM-DD" field added.
    • "mz:is_current": 0 field added. 0 value to signify the record is deprecated.
    • "wof:lastmodified": XXXXXXXXXX field automatically updated from Exportify to reflect most recent update time.
    • "wof:superseded_by": value updated to 85882415.

    screen shot 2016-05-04 at 1 45 06 pm

    ####id:85807733 (copied to id:772967579)

    • "edtf:deprecated": "YYYY-MM-DD" field added.
    • "mz:is_current": 0 field added. 0 value to signify the record is deprecated.
    • "wof:lastmodified": XXXXXXXXXX field automatically updated from Exportify to reflect most recent update time.
    • "wof:superseded_by": value updated to 772967579.

    screen shot 2016-05-04 at 1 45 20 pm


    • "edtf:deprecated": "uuuu" field added.
    • All fields beginning with geom: automatically updated to reflect newly merged geometry.
    • wof:geom field updated to reflect newly merged geometry.
    • "wof:lastmodified": XXXXXXXXXX field automatically updated from Exportify to reflect most recent update time.
    • "wof:supersedes": value updated to 85809401.
    • "bbox": and "geometry": fields automatically updated to reflect newly merged geometry

    screen shot 2016-05-04 at 1 44 55 pm